Looking for meaning… a youth’s quest

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Working in a leper colony….. treated like a queen

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She went to Thailand to help. With no language, she reached out in ways few others did.

Feeling the moments at the Belfry Theatre

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The draw to the Belfry… and the shows…You get to feel the moment…

Asked to create a girls’ Little League

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She started it from scratch and ended 9 years later with 30 teams… using 3 ball parks. One now has her name on it. To view more stories about Joan.

Volunteering at the Belfry Theatre

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Such a clear description of the atmosphere, culture and conversation whenever we come to the Belfry

Moving to Victoria School District: getting past ‘no’

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An experienced and talented teacher ( was on the national field hockey team) shares the process he followed in breaking into an almost impenetrable school system for new staff. He found a way to go around a ‘no lady’.

Chopper’s appreciation for the support for his Restaurant Rumble

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One of the victors at the Restaurant Rumble’s Aprons for Gloves. ‘If you stay focused, and stay true to yourself, anything is possible.’