Challenging teenage years

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challenging teenage years from Christopher Bowers on Vimeo.

Back at school after a year’s absence

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back at school from Christopher Bowers on Vimeo.

Transformative moments from teaching art.. in an asylum

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In her early 20’s she was asked if she wanted to use her art to help in an insane asylum in Mexico. Marion shares the transformation she saw in working with these children.

Bus riding transformed

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A young woman’s bus riding experience was transformed when she discovered the power of prayer. She started appreciating the beauty outside the windows, and of fellow riders.

A Boulder Wall… removed


A new neighbour’s move to build a boulder wall on his hill-top property was overturned, and dismantled, graciously. While a city councillor of the village predicted a protracted law suit, it was ended amicably. Before, during and after this ,

Transforming the atmosphere on Chicago subway

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One woman’s effort to engage others in a sketchy section of Chicago totally changed people’s behaviour from passengers’ total silence to animated conversation.