Beth is the editor of an international journal, Sustaining All Life, is giving workshops at this conference in Paris.
Sustaining All Life (SAL) is an international organization dedicated to ending the destruction of the environment throughout the world. Sustaining All Life offers a system of ongoing mutual support in which people can free each other from the patterns that keep us damaging the earth. Out of that work, SAL creates fresh perspectives on worldwide issues such as: identifying and eliminating environmental racism; promoting and backing leadership in caring for the environment; and ending the mechanisms and underpinnings leading to environmental destruction. Ending racism is integral to the work of SAL. The majority of the people in the world are people of colour.
Stopping behaviors that are destroying the environment will require both changes in individuals and a restructuring of our society into one that is healthier for human beings and all living things. It will require large numbers of people to unite around this cause. Giving the tools of SAL to people who are already active in movements will help them think more clearly about their organization and about effective strategies.
Our Goal
We are committed to ending the current rapid and unceasing destruction of the living environment of the Earth. People can and will undertake all actions necessary to restore and preserve our environment.
The restoration and preservation of the environment must now take precedence over any group of humans having material advantage over others. This will require the ending of divisions between people and therefore the ending of all oppressions.
People can and must recover from tendencies that have driven us to damage the environment in our attempts to escape from feelings of needing ever more material resource. There is enough resource for all people to have good lives without further damaging the earth.